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1. Scope:

  The work shall consist of mixing and stock piling of Natural BA material with existing Bituminous milling material.

2. Reference:

  Section 400 of MoRTH specification.

3. Equipments:

   Excavators, Dumpers.

4. Materials:

~ Natural BA Material: The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, moorum, gravel, crushed stone or combination there of depending upon the grading required. The material shall be free from organic or other deleterious constituents and conforms the grading given in the table 400-1. Make sure that the max size of the material shall be 75mm.

·       Milled Material: The milled material for GSB shall be sound, hard, durable and free from the organic matter and deleterious constituents.

5. Procedure:

~ Ensure the Prepared Bed for stocking shall be leveled, rolled and free from grass, surface water due to rain.

~ Place the approved natural BA material on the prepared bed.

~ Make the dumped material for uniform thickness and level with the help of excavator.

·       Place the milling material over the BA material as per the approved proportions and shall be mixed thoroughly.

·    To prevent segregation, large conical shaped stock piles should be avoided as large particles round to roll to the outer rim. Stock piles should therefore be flat.

·           Ensure the height of the stock pile shall not be more than 3m to prevent recompaction of material at base.

·           Remove all the oversize materials more than 75mm size. Provide a jolly if require to remove all oversize materials.

·           The Prepared GSB material shall be loaded to the Dumpers with the help of excavator.

·           The Loaded material shall be hauled and paced on the approved Sub grade.

·           The samples shall be collected from the bed / Stock pile for the confirmation of mix as per Clause No:401.2.2 of MoRTH.

·           The frequency of the sampling shall be one test per 200m3 and as per Table: 900-3 of MoRTH.

6. Safety Precautions:

·           All dumpers shall be provided with reverse horn & light.

·           Wherever required, Flagman shall be provided.

·           The speed of vehicles plying in stretch shall be restricted to 30kmph.

·           Any labour, if being used in the job shall be screened and trained.

·       All workmen at work area shall wear PPE·s and reflective jackets.

·           The stock piling work shall not disturb the live Traffic.

·           Make sure nobody shall stand around the excavator movement.

·           During period of extensive precipitation, the moisture content of stockpiles may be high, therefore be kept to a minimum.

·           Equipment shall not be driven over the stockpiled material.

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