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                 Strip Seal Expansion Joints Installation 


The purpose of this method statement is to provide detailed execution of Strip Seal Expansion Joints installation works for Bridges.

Strip Seal Expansion Joints Installation


The Scope of this method statement covers the methodology is to furnish of the work sequence for installation of the Strip Seal Expansion Joints at bridges.


This method statement shall be read in conjunction with the following documents:

1)   M.O.S.R.T & H – Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision)

3)   Shop Drawings 

Stage wise Construction Sequences.

a)    Stage I Surface preparation and segment jointing.

      • Expose and clean the deck slab reinforcement both sides of the expansion joints the depth as specified in the attached drawing.
      • Complete the marking as required by the drawings.
      • Clean all the loose particles and ensure the surface is dry condition.
      • Complete the splice individual segments as specified by the manufacturer to obtain the required the width of the carriage way.

b)   Stage II Installation of the segments at position.                                                            

o      Complete the adjustments of the gap between two edge beams by using the clamp plates.

    Position the edge beams at the location and assemble the “U” frame arrangements.

o   Adjust the level and alignment by using the “U” assembly and ensure the required level and alignment.

o   Provide the necessary formwork to ensure the gap. 

o   Complete the welding of the anchorage studs to the deck reinforcements.

o   After completion of the welding loosen the clamp plates if required.
o   Provide thermocol in-between the extruded sections and protect with the masking tape to avoid cement slurry ingress.

o   Complete the balance reinforcement mesh.

o   Complete the necessary formwork if required and concrete the same by ensuring required compaction.

o   Remove the clamp plates and apply curing compound to ensure the curing.

o   Complete the wearing coat as per the required level.

o   Remove the masking tape and clean the extruded sections neatly and insert the neoprene seal into the extrusions.

o   Compete the water testing.


    All staffs involved with the work shall be briefed on safety, health and environmental issues associated with the work. Care shall be taken at times on the works spot in manner creating least interference to the flow of traffic before commencing the work, all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction shall be taken wherever required. On both sides suitable regulatory/warning signs shall be installed for the guide’s road users.


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