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                   PILE LATERAL LOAD TEST

        The purpose of the lateral pile load test is to confirm the design assumptions and the bored pile load capacity. This test shows the actual safety factor applied for the piles.



Precast concrete blocks shall placed/erected as per the approved drawing.

Hydraulic Jacks

Hydraulic jack for the applying test load is placed along with spreader beam as shown in drawing.

Installation of dial gauges / PRESSURE GAUGE

A datum bar shall be installed at side of test pile 0.75 meter from the edge of the pile is to be positioned for fixing the dial gauges.

A dial gauges shall be set on the datum bar to measure the displacement of pile opposite to the lateral load. A pressure gauge shall be connected to the hydraulic pump for measuring pressure.

Load Application

The test shall be carried out by applying lateral incremental load, each increment being equal to 20% of lateral test load. As the test load is 30 MT, each increment will be of 6 MT. The lateral test load of 30 MT will be applied in 5 increments. 


The reading of Micrometer at each increment shall be observed at 15 minutes interval. Each load increment shall be maintained till the rate of displacement is 0.1mm in first 30 minutes. Micrometer & pressure gauge readings at load increment shall be recorded once after the application of incremental load. Dial gauges shall be reset if the displacement of a pile reaches to their capacity. The lateral test load (30 MT) is maintained for 24 hours and micrometer reading shall be taken at 30 minutes.

Unloading shall be done in 3 intervals of 30 minutes to get the unloading curve. The pressure gauge readings shall be recorded and the corresponding dial gauge readings are taken to get rebound / net displacement.


           Net displacement = Gross displacement – Rebound


Recording & Reports

A report comprising the test pile details, load displacement chart, observation chart, displacement / rebound detail, load settlement curve with the load carrying capacities and calibration report shall be prepared and submitted on the basis test conducted. 

The safe lateral load on pile should be least of the following according to clause no.7.4 of IS-2911 Part-IV)-1985.

a)      Fifty percent of the final load at which the total displacement increases to 12mm;

b)      Final load at which the total displacement corresponds to 5 mm





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